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Engleski jezik

The golden planet

It was the 15th  November 1992. My friends and I were in a rocket. We got there by our newest invention: The time machine. We wantedto go to space. One man started the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... We put on our space-suits. We were in space for some time. I saw Earth. It was beautiful. One hour later we heard a strange noise. Suddenly, something entered the rocket. It was about 1 m high. It had oval black eyes and silver body. It was very angry. I thought it was an alien. He and his army kidnapped us and took us to their planet. It was made of gold. They took us to their king. The planet was in danger. The black holes are starting to grow because of our cars, rockets and other things that are polluting the atmosphere. They wanted our help. They sent us back to Earth to stop the pollution. That was a long time ago and we are still doing our best.

Petra Karoglan 6.b

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